MILKLAB x Cargo Crew – Aprons and Jugs Giveaway August 2023 PROMOTION TERMS & CONDITIONS

Terms & Conditions for entry and participation


MILKLAB x Cargo  Crew – Aprons and Jugs Giveaway – August 2023




Noumi Trading Pty Ltd (ABN 36 614 863 286)  of 8A Williamson Road, Ingleburn NSW 2565


Prize  Supplier


Cargo Crew Pty Ltd ABN 12 101 289 061 of 4  Scholar Drive, Bundoora VIC 3083


Promotion  Type


Game of chance


Promotion  Period


The  Promotion starts at 10:00 AM AEST on 17th August 2023 and ends at  5:00 PM AEST on 19th August 2023 (Promotional Period).


The Promotional Period is  subject to change at the Promoter’s discretion and all changes will be  notified on the Promoter’s website:




There is 1  café pack to be won, consisting of:


·         6 x  MILKLAB x Cargo Crew Aprons with business logo embroidered AUD$550 RRP


·         6 x  MILKLAB Jugs AUD$210 RRP


The total  Café pack is valued at AU$760 RRP.


Entry  Restrictions


The Promotion is only open to entrants within Australia aged 18 and  over. Delivery address for any Prize must be in Australia. Employees of the  Promoter and the Prize Supplier and their associated companies/subsidiaries, retailers, agencies associated with this  Promotion are ineligible to enter  this Promotion.


Family members of the Promotor and the Prize Supplier are ineligible  to enter this Promotion.


“Employees” means any directors, management, employees,  concessionaires, consultants, officers and contractors or other such people  who perform work under the control of another in exchange for payment.


The Promoter is responsible for determining whether a person is  eligible to enter in its absolute discretion.


How  to Participate


To participate in the Promotion entrants must,  between the Promotional Period:


1.       Scan the QR Code displayed on MILKLAB  promotional material communicating the Promotion, using the camera on their  smart phone.


2.       Complete the registration form provided  via the QR code.


3.       Accept the Promoter’s Terms and  Conditions.[PD1] 


Entrants can only the Promotion once.


Draws and Winner Notification


This Promotion is a game of chance. Skill  plays no part in determining the winner.


There will be one (1) winner. The winner will be randomly drawn by the  Promoter at 8A Williamson Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2565 at 5PM AEST on 24 August  2023.


The winner will  be notified via email  from MILKLAB Marketing within (10) working days of the draw.


The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of this Promotion,  including the selection of any winner and the criteria applied by the  Promoter in determining the winners, is final and binding on every person who  enters. No correspondence will be entered into.


Claiming Prizes


To claim the prize, the winner must respond to the email confirming their  full name and postal address within 5 business days of being notified they  have won. PO Boxes will not be accepted.


If the  Winner fails to respond to the Promotor via email within 5 business days of  notification of winning, they will be deemed ineligible, and a new entrant  will be chosen by the Promoter at its sole and absolute discretion.



1.         The details above and the following clauses collectively form the terms and conditions of the Promotion (Terms and Conditions).

2.         All dollar values are in [Australian dollar] currency.

3.         Each entrant is responsible for ensuring their familiarity with these Terms and Conditions at the time of participation. Participation in this Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Any updates to these Terms and Conditions will be published on the Promoter’s website at It is the entrant’s responsibility to check these Terms and Conditions for updates regularly. The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction (whether communicated to an entrant or not) does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Terms and Conditions generally.

4.         The Promoter’sdecision in relation to any aspect of these Term and Conditions and the Promotionis final and binding on every person who participates. No correspondence willbe entered into.

5.         ThePromotion is not valid in conjunction with any other offer.

6.         ThePromotion may be extended at the Promoter's absolute discretion.

7.         Entrantscan only participate in the Promotion in their own name. Entrants who enter usingmultiple aliases (e.g., multiple names, addresses and/or email addresses) willbe disqualified.

8.         Allentrants acknowledge that the Promoter can rely on these Terms and Conditionseven if the Promoter only learns of a person’s ineligibility or breach of theseTerms and Conditions after the Promoter has awarded a prize to the ineligibleperson. Payment of the prize value to the Promoter may be required by thePromoter if this occurs.

9.         Incomplete,indecipherable or illegible entries will be deemed invalid. Entrants areresponsible for ensuring their correct personal information and contact emailaddress are provided and any updated details are notified to the Promoter. ThePromoter accepts no responsibility should an entrant fail to receive their prizebecause of a failure to notify the Promoter of correct details or of a changeto their details, or for providing invalid information.

10.     Entriesare deemed to be received at the time of receipt into the Promoter's database,not the time of transmission by the entrant.

11.     ThePromoter does not warrant that the entry mechanism will be available, or all componentsof the Prize will be available at all times during the Promotion.

12.     Any costsassociated with accessing the Promotion website are the entrant’s responsibilityand are dependent on the internet service provider used. Entrants must submit theirentry manually using an internet browser.

13.     ThePromoter may, in its sole discretion, declare any entry or entrant invalid ifthe entrant:

(a)         disrupts,annoys, abuses, threatens, harasses or attempts to do any of these things tothe Promoter, the prize supplier, another entrant or potential entrant of, oranyone else associated with, this Promotion;

(b)         submitsan entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or whotampers with the entry process; or

(c)         engagesin conduct in relation to this Promotion which is misleading, deceptive,fraudulent or damaging to the Promoter's goodwill or reputation.

14.     The Promoterreserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and entrants(including, without limitation, an entrant’s identity, age and place ofresidence). Errors and omissions may be accepted or rejected at the Promoter's absolutediscretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stagedoes not constitute a waiver of those rights. The Promoter's legal rights torecover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.

15.     Entriesmust not contain any material which is, in the opinion of the Promoter, offensive,defamatory, inappropriate, obscene, unsuitable, infringing content, rude orotherwise objectionable. The Promoter reserves the right, in its solediscretion, to reject any entries which do not comply with these Terms andConditions and will not provide any notification nor reasons for rejection.Entries that do not comply with these Terms and Conditions of entry will be deemedinvalid and are not eligible to win.

16.     Ifapplicable, Entrants must retain their purchase receipt(s) for all entries as proofof purchase. Failure to produce the proof of purchase for an entry when requestedmay, in the absolute discretion of the Promoter, result in invalidation of thatentry and forfeiture of any right to a prize.

17.     If thisPromotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted asreasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of thePromoter, including but not limited to technical difficulties, pandemic, unauthorizedintervention or fraud, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion,to the fullest extent permitted by law to modify, suspend, terminate or cancelthe Promotion, as appropriate, subject to any directions from any relevantauthority.

18.     It is acondition of accepting the Prize that the entrant must comply with all theconditions of use of the prize and prize supplier's requirements. The entrantmay be required to (at the Promoter’s discretion) sign any legal documentationas and in the form required by the Promoter and/or Prize Supplier in theirabsolute discretion. The prize must be taken and used as stated and nocompensation will be payable if an individual is unable to use the prize as stated.

19.     ThePromoter may communicate or advertise this Promotion via social medialplatforms (Platforms) including, without limitation, Facebook andInstagram. However, the Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed oradministered by, or associated with these Platforms. Entrants are providingtheir information to the Promoter and not to the Platforms. Each entrantcompletely releases the Platforms from any and all liability.

20.      The Prize is subject to availability, nottransferable and not exchangeable for cash.

21.     If aprize (or part of a prize) is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reservesthe right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for that prize,or element of it, subject to the approval of any relevant authority. ThePromotor accepts no other liability or responsibility for any loss incurred byan entrant or any other party if a price (or any part of a prize) isunavailable for any reason.

22.     Entrantsare advised that tax implications may arise from accepting the Prize and they shouldseek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of that Prize.

23.     Nothingin these Terms and Conditions limit, exclude or modify or purports to limit,exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under theCompetition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), as well as any other impliedwarranties under the ASIC Act or similar consumer protection laws in the Stateand Territories of Australia (Non-Excludable Guarantees).

24.     Exceptfor any liability that cannot be excluded by law, including the Non-ExcludableGuarantees, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents)excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any lossor damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special orconsequential, arising in any way out of the Promotion, including, but notlimited to, where arising out of the following:

(a)   anytechnical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under thePromoter’s control);

(b)   anytheft, unauthorised access or third party interference;

(c)    anyentry that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not aftertheir receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable controlof the Promoter;

(d)   anyvariation in gift value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions;

(e)   thecompleteness, correctness or accuracy of any information provided for thepurpose of or in connection with the Promotion,

(f)     any taxliability/implications incurred by an entrant; or

(g)   use ofa Prize.

25.     Any attemptto deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Promotion may be a violationof criminal and/or civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whethersuccessful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to refer the matter to lawenforcement authorities and/or to seek damages or such other civil remedies as thePromoter may determine from time to time to the fullest extent permitted by law.

26.     ThePromotor reserves the rights to:

(a)         terminate,change or otherwise deal with the Promotion at any time it deems appropriatewithout prior notice and/or

(b)         amendthe terms of the Promotion if all or part of the Promotion and/or terms are orare likely to be considered a breach of any applicable laws or regulations inany of the countries in which the Promotion is run.

27.     Inparticipating in the Promotion and accepting the Prize, each winner agrees toparticipate and co-operate as required in all editorial and marketing activitiesrelating to the Promotion, including, without limitation, being interviewed, photographedand video recorded (Material). Each winner agrees to granting the Promotera perpetual, non-exclusive, non-revocable, and royalty-free licence to use suchMaterial in all media worldwide, including, without limitation, online social networkingsites, and the winner will not be entitled to any fee for such use.


28.     Winnersshould receive their Prize within 30 days from the end of the Promotional Period.

29.     The Promoterwill make reasonable efforts to deliver Prizes to the addresses provided by winners.The Promoter highly recommends a current residential street address be providedfor ease of correspondence and delivery. The Promoter cannot guarantee that anyPrizes returned to the Promoter due to non-delivery at the provided addresswill be re-sent to winners.

30.     ThePromoter and their associated agencies, and companies associated with thispromotion will take no responsibility for prizes that are damaged, stolen,misdirected or lost in transit.


31.     Participationin this Promotion is conditional on providing personal information. Thisincludes names, emails, phone numbers and addresses. All information entrantsprovide will be used by the Promoter for the purpose of administering thisPromotion and awarding the prizes. The Promoter may disclose entrants’ personalinformation to the Prize Supplier as well as the Promotor’s contractors andagents to assist in conducting this Promotion and as required, to regulatory authorities.

32.     The Promoterwill otherwise handle entrants’ personal information in accordance with its PrivacyPolicy which can be accessed at: Privacy Policy (

33.     Anypersonal information provided by entrants to the Prize Supplier will be handledin accordance with the Prize Supplier’s Privacy Policy which can be accessedat: Cargo Crew's Privacy Policy

34.     Entrantsconsent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice, alongwith the winning posted image, in the event they are a winner (includingphotograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimitedperiod without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this promotion(including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributedand/or supplied by the Promoter. All entries become the property of thePromoter.

35.     Entrants’details may be used for future promotional and/or marketing activities carriedout by the Promoter and/or the Prize Supplier. Entrants can request not toreceive this information by contacting the Promoter or Prize Supplier orunsubscribing from email communications. The Promoter and/or the Prize Suppliermay continue to provide entrants with information for an indefinite periodunless and until advised otherwise by the entrant.

36.     Entrantsmay request access to their personal information and/or update their personalinformation or lodge a complaint to the Promotor’s or Prize Supplier’s PrivacyOfficer via the following process:

·       For thePromotor:  correspondence by email to

·       For thePrize Supplier: correspondence by email to

 [PD1]Hi Sheridan, can we please ensure this option is included in theform.

Download Full Terms & Conditions